6 Reasons to Cycle

In honour of World Bike Day on June 3rd, we present "6 Reasons to Cycle”, shining a spotlight on the journeys of employees who have embraced the pedal-powered revolution for a variety of reasons.

Going beyond just showcasing individual stories; we are committed to shifting the commuter landscape towards sustainable forms of travel, enhance personal well-being, and drive significant reductions in carbon emissions. Join us in #6ReasonsToCycle and unlock a world of possibilities that are just a pedal away. Let these captivating narratives ignite your passion for cycling and foster a healthier, more adventurous, and more united workforce.

 Cycling to work is more than a trend — it's a game-changer for individuals and companies!
With the rise of cycle-to-work schemes and better cycling infrastructure, more people are cycling. However, there is still much room for improvement.

Cycling is better for the environment, improves air quality, reduces congestion, helps create vibrant public spaces and places, and boosts employee productivity and happiness. Organisations can significantly promote cycling by prioritising the provision of end-of-trip facilities and participating in cycle-to-work schemes. They can also foster a supportive community by connecting experienced cyclists with newcomers to encourage more people to embrace cycling.

One of my favourite phrases and my reasons for cycling is, “Cycling is fast enough to get through the forest, but slow enough to see the trees” – the same applies when cycling through the city to get to work on time, it’s slow enough to take in the surrounding buildings and open spaces.

- Jon Gibson, Principal & Global Director, ESG at Avison Young

Reason #1: Exploring

Unleash your inner explorer as we delve into the tales of James, who has unlocked a world of new experiences on two wheels. From breathtaking landscapes to hidden gems, James reveals how cycling has expanded his horizons, connecting him with the beauty of the world around us.
Cycling is more than convenience; it's an exercise that reduces my carbon footprint. I get to enjoy scenic routes like Brindleyplace's 3-mile canal loop, where I find serenity and encounter abundant wildlife. These pedal strokes boost my well-being and preserve the environment.

Through cycling, I've formed meaningful connections in my community. Familiar faces, like a retired engineer walking his dog or a father with his children, bring cherished moments and a sense of belonging.

I've witnessed the area's transformation, from demolishing old factories to emerging developments. The landscape is evolving into a thriving residential hub.

If you’re interested in joining the cycling revolution, here is my advice: start in summer, choose quiet routes, and consider insurance. Cycling UK offers coverage and free legal advice if needed.

- James White, Associate Director, Leasing Consultancy

Reason #2: Fitness

Cycling can launch you into great health and well-being. Pete has found that cycling brings him strength and endurance through the act of pedalling.
Cycling has always been an integral part of my fitness routine and greatly enhances my daily commute. Not only does it benefit my overall fitness, but it also compliments my other sporting hobbies, particularly running and mountain biking. 

More often than not, cycling tends to be the fastest, most economical and eco-friendly means of transport, so I choose to commute to and from the office and local meetings via bike. Recently, I combined cycling with the electric harbour ferry to commute to a meeting, as it was the quickest and most sustainable way. 

By opting to cycle instead of driving, I save the company approximately £60 per week on parking alone, let alone fuel and air quality zone charges out of my pocket!

- Peter Stockall, Principal

Reason #3: Charity

Richard and Chris leveraged their passion for cycling to raise funds and awareness for causes near and dear to their hearts.
Just two days after celebrating his 50th, Richard completed the End-to-End cycle in eight days. Alongside a friend who tragically lost his wife to leukaemia, they raised over £170,000 for Blood Cancer UK, supporting a three-year research project on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. Battling challenging roads, inclement weather, and more, they conquered 1,650 km and over 18,000m of climbing. It was an exhausting but extraordinary achievement that fills them with immense pride.
In another incredible display of teamwork, Chris' relay team cycled 555 miles in 48 hours, raising funds for the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation dedicated to MND research. With overwhelming support, they collectively raised over £72,000. The presence of ex-international rugby players added to the significance of the journey, highlighting the power of unity. Every mile and every pound will contribute to vital research and support for those affected by MND.

- Richard Baldwin, Director, Leisure & Christian Gore, Principal, Central London Investments

Reason #4: Transport

Cycling to work has transformed the commute of many. Paul Broad, Head of Agency & Transactions, Scotland, discusses how cycling facilities have become a top priority for many Scottish occupiers.
Cycling facilities have become a top priority for occupiers, surpassing the importance of car parking spaces. Employers are actively promoting green travel-to-work policies, and with Glasgow's new Low Emission Zone in place, there has been a noticeable increase in occupiers seeking spaces with cycle facilities. More individuals are opting for public transport or cycling as their preferred means of commuting. The presence of cycle facilities is viewed as a luxurious amenity, and potential occupiers greatly value them. While Glasgow still has room for improvement in its cycling infrastructure compared to other cities, significant progress has been made in recent years. The city's Avenues project, aimed at creating dedicated cycling lanes and enhancing pedestrian space, is a testament to its commitment to further advancements in this area.

Up and down the county, employees are relishing in the benefits of cycling to work, especially in Scotland with the addition of CADWORKS, Glasgow’s first office building with a cycle-in ramp.
- Paul Broad, Principal, Head of Agency & Transactions, Scotland

Reason #5: Connection

Immerse yourself in the story of Simon, who has forged deep connections and lasting friendships through the love of cycling. Witness the camaraderie, the shared laughter, and the bond that forms when individuals come together to pedal as one.
With a shared purpose and commitment, 14 friends and I embarked on a 200-mile cycling adventure through Northumberland to support Parkinson's disease research. Parkinson's hit close to home as I witnessed a friend's brother battling the disease. Despite not being pro cyclists, we were determined to make an impact.

I'm not a regular cyclist but I've taken on endurance challenges before, like a gruelling 310 km ride from Gateshead Quay to Manchester. This recent ride was equally demanding, and with no professional support or catered breaks, it tested us to the extreme.

Together, we pedalled with passion, knowing that each mile brought us closer to advancing Parkinson's research. The journey was challenging, but our shared friendship fuelled our determination.  Together we have raised over £16,000.

- Simon Beanland, Principal, Investment

Reason #6: Rediscover Your Inner Child

Lauren and Charlotte have reconnected with their inner child and embraced the world of cycling. Together, they venture through the bustling streets of London, a city filled with iconic landmarks and hidden gems.
We hop on the city bikes, for our lunchtime ventures, pedalling through the vibrant city. Our rides take us on a tour of London’s iconic landmarks and picturesque viewpoints, from St Paul's Cathedral to the Tower of London.

But our cycling adventures are about more than just the tourist spots. It's the shared experiences and the laughter that comes with our rides that make them special. Neither of us claims to be a pro-cyclist, and our wobbles and occasional missteps only add to the joy and light-heartedness of our journeys. As we pedal side by side, we share stories carrying us back to the carefree days of our childhood adventures. We relish in the nostalgia, reminiscing about the scrapes and mischief we got into.

In those moments, as we pedal and share, our backgrounds and differences fade away. The bike becomes our common ground, encouraging a sense of friendship and connection that transcends any barriers.

- Lauren Mackay & Charlotte Gaynor, Marketing

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